Don’t get tempted to put more cooking oil in your dishes. Try to restrict oil usage in each curry or vegetable to about 2-3 teaspoon s and not more than that.You would be taking in fewer calories which is a good thing. But simply limiting your intake of these oils to fewer times a day/week […]
Year: 2018
Remove heat streaks or residual strains from stainless steel Use a soft dishcloth, rag, or paper towel moistened with olive oil to gently rub your cutlery with it to remove streaks
2fumbe lets you shop for kitchenware and home appliances online with free delivery in Kampala
I must say from experience, shopping for kitchenware can be quite tiring. When you go to supermarkets, it’s too expensive and when you go down town town, you might not get the quality you want. While Kaymu and Jumia have set up vibrant online stores, they may not adequately cover certain areas. That is where […]
Uganda – eCommerce
Describes how widely e-Commerce is used, the primary sectors that sell through e-commerce, and how much product/service in each sector is sold through e-commerce versus brick-and-mortar retail. Includes what a company needs to know to take advantage of e-commerce in the local market and, reputable, prominent B2B websites. Most of Uganda’s domestic business to customer […]
10 Pieces Multi-Chopper Salad Maker
The salad maker is a device for making diced and julienned fruit and vegetables. It comes with two sets of blades (thick and fine) which cut the ingredients by means of a lever action. Also included are two plastic containers, with lids, into which the ingredients are chopped. The 2fumbe 10 piece multi-chopper salad maker […]
Ceramic 6 Pieces Oval Chafing Dish With Steel Stands
A chafing dish (from the French chauffer, “to make warm”) is a kind of portable grate raised on a tripod, originally heated with charcoal in a brazier, and used for foods that require gentle cooking, away from the “fierce” heat of direct flames. The chafing dish could be used at table or provided with a […]